Article by Francisco Hernandez V. on on July 15, 2017 RECONOCIMIENTO A PIONERAS, DEL CENTRO DE DESARROLLO JOCOTEPEC Hace 27 que se comenzó,sin recursos monetaios,el centro de desarrollo Jocotepec, encabezado por la señora Silvia flores,entonces jovencitas y pioneras de este proyecto. El trabajo fue muy duro,pero la tenacidad,empeño y ganas de trabajar voluntariamente,dieron sus frutos. Y hoy en la casa de la cultura se les brindó un reconocimiento a todas ellas y ellos,que desinteresadamente dieron su tiempo y aprendieron primeros auxilios y cómo traer al mundo a cientos de niños,que a ellas les llamamos PARTERAS. En representación del presidente municipal de Jocotepec,,presidió el evento el C.Luis Rivera. Las pioneras algunas ya fallecidas son según lista que me hicieron llegar,,,Cruz Robledo,,,Ezperanza López…Cecilia Hernández,,,Ana Cuevas,,,Dr.Carlos Rodríguez,,,Carmen Garcia,,,Citlali Bravo,,,Consuelo Rivera,,,Diana Wilson q.p.d.,,,Estefana Galarza,,,Irene Bobadilla,,,Maria Consuelo Rivera,,,Gabriela Escamilla,,,Maria De la Cruz Sendejas,,,Maria Elena Garibay,,,Margarita Osorio,,, Ma.Guadalupe Olmedo,,, Maria Morales,,,Martha Camarena,,,Maria Cuevas,,, Phylis Rach,,,Rita Mendoza…Victoria Vasquez. y también se le hizo un reconocimiento póstumo a la señora Sofia Garavito q.p.d. por haber sido anfitriona de las primeras en permitir dar las clases en su casa. En el video verán ustedes a la mayoría de estas pioneras recibir su reconocimiento. Above Article translated to English:
The Jocotepec development center, headed by Mrs. Silvia Flores, then young women and pioneers of this project, began without money resources. The work was very hard, but the tenacity, determination and willingness to work voluntarily paid off. And today in the house of culture they were given recognition to all of them and they, who selflessly gave their time and learned first aid and how to bring hundreds of children to the world, which we call them PARTERAS. Representing the municipal president of Jocotepec, the event was chaired by C. Luis Rivera. The pioneers some already deceased are according to the list they sent me ,,, Cruz Robledo ,,, Ezperanza López ... Cecilia Hernández ,,, Ana Cuevas ,,, Dr. Carlos Rodríguez ,,, Carmen Garcia ,,, Citlali Bravo ,,, Consuelo Rivera ,,, Diana Wilson qpd ,,, Estefana Galarza ,,, Irene Bobadilla ,,, Maria Consuelo Rivera ,,, Gabriela Escamilla ,,, Maria De la Cruz Sendejas ,,, Maria Elena Garibay ,,, Margarita Osorio ,,, , Ma.Guadalupe Olmedo ,,, Maria Morales ,,, Martha Camarena ,,, Maria Cuevas ,,, Phylis Rach ,,, Rita Mendoza ... Victoria Vasquez. and also posthumous recognition was given to Mrs. Sofia Garavito q.p.d. for having hosted the first to allow classes at home. In the video you will see most of these pioneers receive their recognition. Our website gets a facelift!In honor of International Women's Day, CEDEJO volunteer Sheila Poettgen, who previously helped CEDEJO with public outreach by redesigning our outdated website & promotional material in 2013, donated her skills again this year to redesign our website in order to better reflect the work that CEDEJO is doing in the community. Thanks to all of our volunteers for supporting CEDEJO's mission!
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Have life experience and valuable skills that could help empower others? Passionate about women's issues and promoting social justice? The CENTRO DE DESARROLLO JOCOTEPEC, A.C., whose mission is to improve the the quality of life of Lake Chapala families with limited resources through projects that promote health and well-being, is seeking volunteers for the following:
**See Detailed Position Descriptions on our "Volunteer Page". CEDEJO welcomes both long-term and short-term volunteers. We greatly value and appreciate our volunteers and we recognize them by offering free admission to all CEDEJO events and/or conferences, posting volunteer photos (along with a description of their contribution to CEDEJO) on our website, and providing a yearly appreciation lunch or dinner. Come and help us to empower the women of Chapala Rivera that need it most! For More Details & Information: Email [email protected] or Call 376-766-1679 |
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