Make a Donation
A donation of any amount helps. Every peso counts! To make a monthly recurring donation check this box: "Hacer esta donación mensualmente".
Additional Ways to Donate: Bank Deposit to CEDEJO's Multiva account: Carretera Oriente 33B, Ajijic; Acct#: 00001010158 Make a Donor Match Challenge of 5000 MXN or more. Deliver Funds to CEDEJO Office (by appointment). Thank you for your support! |
Help us raise the minimum needed to keep the doors open.
$180,000 MXN (15,000 MXN/month) covers basic reproductive health clinic expenses for 12 months!
Funds raised will go toward covering the following (for one year):
* birth control (condoms, IUD, etc)
* pap kits for women
* lab fees for processing pap tests
* transporting pap tests to Guadalajara lab 2 X month
* operating costs to keep clinics open at least 4 days/week (i.e. phone, electric, internet)
* transportation costs (via car pool or bus or mobile units) of unpaid nursing staff and volunteers
* medical supplies (i.e. patient examination gowns, sterilization equipment)
* occasional workshops for youth and women's groups (family planning, STDs, sex-ed)
Funds raised above the minimum needed to keep the clinic open for the year will go toward expanding CEDEJO's workshops and educational programs.
* birth control (condoms, IUD, etc)
* pap kits for women
* lab fees for processing pap tests
* transporting pap tests to Guadalajara lab 2 X month
* operating costs to keep clinics open at least 4 days/week (i.e. phone, electric, internet)
* transportation costs (via car pool or bus or mobile units) of unpaid nursing staff and volunteers
* medical supplies (i.e. patient examination gowns, sterilization equipment)
* occasional workshops for youth and women's groups (family planning, STDs, sex-ed)
Funds raised above the minimum needed to keep the clinic open for the year will go toward expanding CEDEJO's workshops and educational programs.
Make A DonationGive a one-time donation or a monthly recurring donation. Double your impact and make a Match-Challenge donation of 5000 pesos or more. Every peso counts!
VolunteerLooking for a way to connect to your community in a meaningful way? Passionate about women's issues and promoting social justice?
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