Our Donors = Our Lifeline
Individual donations are currently CEDEJO's primary source of funding. CEDEJO wouldn't exist without your donations. We're grateful for your continued support.
Thanks to generous donors our health clinic remains open.
Our Angels (1400 Pesos or more):
Elisa and Bill Brown (offered a Challenge Grant of 25,500 pesos which brought in 51,000 pesos total);
Anonymous Donor (Challenge Grant of 16,500 pesos brought in 33,000 pesos total );
Harry Bublin (challenge grant of 16,500 pesos brought in 33,000 pesos total);
Judith Frugier & Friends (challenge grant of 16,000 pesos brought in 32,000 pesos total);
Anonymous Donor (challenge grant of 6,500 pesos brought in over 13,000 pesos total);
Sunrise Rotary Club; St. Andrew's Anglican Church; Mexican National Chili Cook-off; Lake Chapala Unitarian Fellowship;
Mike Roney; Ruth Donnalley; Carol Painter; Jackie Sandler; LeeAnn & Elizabeth Thompson Katz;
Micah Miller; Toni T. & Chad Olsen; Linda Samuels; Don & Stephanie Phillips; Aimée Tañón; Sarah Haney;
Beverly Letourneau; Margaret Little; Doris Barfield; Sheila Poettgen & Kai Mikkel Forlie; Julie Medlock;
Terry Bax; Jim Garrow; Arleen Greenwood; Brent Ness; Vicky Kunz; Anne Hayden; Chuck Blackburn;
Hans & Suzy Forlie; Birds of Paradise Community Members; Linda Shaffner; George and Ramona Bohanon;
Ruthie Cassidy; Meg Poettgen; Heather Chase; Mary Houghton; Gerard Koenig; Lorna Dean;
Nancy Coba; Numerous Anonymous Donors
Anonymous Donor (Challenge Grant of 16,500 pesos brought in 33,000 pesos total );
Harry Bublin (challenge grant of 16,500 pesos brought in 33,000 pesos total);
Judith Frugier & Friends (challenge grant of 16,000 pesos brought in 32,000 pesos total);
Anonymous Donor (challenge grant of 6,500 pesos brought in over 13,000 pesos total);
Sunrise Rotary Club; St. Andrew's Anglican Church; Mexican National Chili Cook-off; Lake Chapala Unitarian Fellowship;
Mike Roney; Ruth Donnalley; Carol Painter; Jackie Sandler; LeeAnn & Elizabeth Thompson Katz;
Micah Miller; Toni T. & Chad Olsen; Linda Samuels; Don & Stephanie Phillips; Aimée Tañón; Sarah Haney;
Beverly Letourneau; Margaret Little; Doris Barfield; Sheila Poettgen & Kai Mikkel Forlie; Julie Medlock;
Terry Bax; Jim Garrow; Arleen Greenwood; Brent Ness; Vicky Kunz; Anne Hayden; Chuck Blackburn;
Hans & Suzy Forlie; Birds of Paradise Community Members; Linda Shaffner; George and Ramona Bohanon;
Ruthie Cassidy; Meg Poettgen; Heather Chase; Mary Houghton; Gerard Koenig; Lorna Dean;
Nancy Coba; Numerous Anonymous Donors
Additional Supporters:
Linda Rudisell-Hines; Eric Lindquist; Brian Quinn; Mary Molinari; Jan Lustig; Sheila Scott; Keith Coates;
Regina Potenza; Diana Carrasco; Alice Lindquist; Rose Ann Wagner; Rosalind Freed; Monique Lindquist; The McDermotts; Carol Painter; Jack Aronowitz; Pat Reynolds; Gary Curtis; Annette Sturdevant; Lorna Dean; Beverly LeTourneau; Pat & Ken; Eric Callis; Marilyn Dumitry Rocker & Larry Larson; Shirley West; Peggy Peaslee; Carly & Susan Smith; Elwin Hasse; Darlene MacLeod; Adrian Smith; Lisa Hines; Cindy Peters Zeier; Carol Curtis; Barbara Bittel; Barbara Schermer; Gail Madison; Jan Lustig; Shelley Ronnfeldt; Kittie Rothschild; Linda Rambo; Marguerite Ponder; Mindy Pinkus; Nancy Mason; Nancy Creevan; Peter Donaldson; Ann Reading; Bridget Mientka; Helen James; Karawynn Long; Regina Potenza; Simohn Spearitt; Thetis Reeves; Arlene Schubert; Gertrude Schwartze; Janice Dawley; Lisa Ackel Judge; Sasha Rodriguez; Teresa Allmond; Numerous Anonymous Donors |
Make A DonationGive a one-time donation or a monthly recurring donation. Double your impact and make a Match-Challenge donation of 5000 pesos or more. Every peso counts!
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